In Circles
Ziemīga Vildogas upīte un gobu mežs ap to vien zīmē lokus un apļus gaisos | River Vildoga and young elm forest along it.
Falling Gold
Zeltīts sniegs krīt no debesīm pār ezeru | Snow falling from spruce trees in forest along lake Valgums coast.
Frozen Waterfall
Leduskritums saulainā ziemas dienā | Sun shines on frozen waterfall over sandstone outcrop “Ķiparu kaskāde” on snowy winter day.
Light and Ice
Sniegotā ainavā bērzs ar sasalušiem ledus pilieniem zaru galos | Sun shines through birch tree (Betula sp.) covered in icy snow on sunny winter morning.
Strix uralensis
Nakts krēslā urālpūce nosēdusies uz stumbeņa izcirtumā | Ural owl (Strix uralensis) standing on the snag of birch tree (Betula sp.) in forest clearing in mixed forest landscape
Standing Skeletons
Ilglaicīga un mežu ieskauta bebraine lēnām ķer saullēkta gaismu, kamēr es klausos vai dzeņi atsaucas | Rising sun shines over the forest edge along the old and abandoned beaver pond with lots of standing dead trees.
Stages of Life
Rīta migla pārklājusi purvu, kur jaunas un senas priedes kopā zīmē ainavu | Sparsely growing scots pines (Pinus sylvestris) in cold and foggy morning in raised bog Lielais Ķemeru tīrelis.
Allium ursinum
Lakšu klājiens saaudzis pavasarīgā platlapju mežā | Ramsons or wild garlic (Allium ursinum) gorgeously covers forest floor in broad leaved forest.
Ursus arctos
Vidzemē staigājot sanāk arī citu staigātāju pēdas atrast – brūnais lācis | Footprints of brown bear (Ursus arctos) on muddy forest road.
Cypripedium calceolus
Dzeltenā dzegužkurpīte | Beautiful and glamorous blooming of Lady’s-slipper orchid.
Pulsatilla pratensis
Pļavas silpurene vakara krēslā | The small pasque flowers (Pulsatilla pratensis) with fruits and occasional flower buds growing on coastal dunes in sunset.
Anthoxanthum odoratum
Parastās smaržzāles vārpiņas | Sweet vernal grass before the rain.
Almost full
Gandrīz pilns mēness izlīda virs meža malas | Almost full moon (soon to be harvest moon) over forests and lone road near border of Estonia.
With rainbow
Jūra, bojas un varavīksne pirms un pēc lietiem | Spectacular sunrise with colorful rain clouds and rainbow over dunes and baltic sea.
Coprinellus disseminatus
Dižbara tintenes saaugušas blīvā pūlī | Fairy inkcaps growing in a large group togerher on the trunk of old aspen tree.
Amanita muscaria
Sarkanā mušmire visā savā košumā | A fly agaric or fly amanita mushroom Amanita muscaria growing on forest floor.
Lycoperdon perlatum
Kārpainais pūpēdis, šķiet viegli nīgrs ar melnajiem “acu” punktiem | In dark forest a warted puffball with dark eye-like spots stands in spotlight.
Vaccinium uliginosum
Zileņu lapu īslaicīgais košums noķerts zirnekļtīklos | Red leaves of bog bilberry in sunny late autumn day.
Satellite crossing
Kāds mākslīgais pavadonis šķērso Piena ceļu naksnīgajās debesīs | Satellite and stars of Milky Way in night sky over boreal forest.
Lobaria pulmonaria
Dabisks un plaušķērpjiem bagāts platlapju meža skats | Broad leaved forest with tree lungwort (Lobaria pulmonaria) growing on tree trunks.
Ziemīgais baltums un pelēkums pārklājis ezeru, mežu un debesis | Snow keeps falling over white winter landscape of forest and small lake.